Recently published prose & poetry

"Descent Into Dust" (​poem) preferred poem formatting
Indistinguishable from Magic (​story)

SciFanSat ​– Issue 11 | Descent
29 Jun 2024
(free EPUB, PDF, & online reader)
Blue Boar Press ​•

Ad Astra!  (​​poem + art)
Siren Song (​poem + art)
The Real "Johnny Appleseed" (poem + art)

SciFanSat ​– Issue 10 | Stars
25 May 2024
(free EPUB, PDF, & online reader)
Blue Boar Press ​•

The Starship Exorcist (​story)
What Child Is This? (story)

SciFanSat ​– Issue 9 | Encounter
27 Apr 2024
(free EPUB, PDF, & online reader)
Blue Boar Press ​•

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